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Two men on stage, hugging


Alongside community residents, the ACC is creating and actualizing a shared vision of reclamation, revitalization, and economic independence on the Bayou Road Corridor.


The André Cailloux Center for Performing Arts and Cultural Justice (ACC) is a multidisciplinary, community-centered arts, cultural and organic intellectual center dedicated to freedom, flourishing, and the promotion of justice through the arts, community engagement, dialogue, and sustainable arts enterprise development for Black makers.

  • Revitalization: re-enlivening a historic route of commerce, placemaking, and cultural engagement that pre-dates the city

  • IN SPITE OF COLONIZATION and its progeny, gentrification, BAYOU ROAD REMAINS a center of transnational and multicultural exchange. We are reclaiming the historic narrative and purpose of this corridor.

  • Ownership: Creating space for Black artists to tell their own stories of the complex, multiple truths of Black life

  • Belonging: Solidifying, examining, and expanding the rich cultural heritage of the people of the global majority.


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